
Re: NEON- Tube benders Assoc.

> What about the possibility of becoming a " branch" of an existing
> association related to our profession like ISA or USSC.  Drawing on thier
> resources and structure and at the same time maintaining a degree of

A BIG degree. No doubt there would be many open arms to an established
neon association. I would urge caution.  Too much association could risk
eventually being run by "electric sign" and not neccessarily "neon"

Lots of competeing products in the electric sign industry along with
neon.  Fiber optics, LED's, illuminated faces, translucent vinyl, etc.
Most of us have nothing to do will these.  Some neon folks aren't in the
sign business at all. Some overlap between the two industries for sure,
but I think neon's independence is important.


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