
Re: Ruby Red, busted glass

To elaborate just a little...

My usual supplier is out of stock on any brand of ruby.  We get free 
deliveries here once a week from Reece in San Antonio, but they are out 
too.  Every one in Texas seems to be short on ruby right now.

The sticks I received from a "supplier in Dallas" were crammed in a 
mailing tube, with mabye 1/2" of bubble rap between them and the world.  
Is this really stupid, or am I missing something?  This supplier also 
insisted on UPS, even though I was suggested the more expensive trucking 
line that I've had very good experience with.

I am not surprised technolux packs glass very well.  I have spoken to 
them on the phone on a couple of occasions, and they seem really with 
it.  I guess I need to bite the bullet and fork out 300 bucks for a full 
carton (drop shipped).

    -John Anderson
