
NEON- Re: rubber boots outdoors, really?

> In outdoor installations, I always point the electrodes up on the theory that
> rain falls down and gravity is reliable, and often use cup-shaped pyrex
> covers over the electrodes open at the bottom. They may be G-cups but often,
> I have these made up to suit, for example when there are two electrodes side
> by side and close. I don't know if this is listed but it's definitely safe
> and reliable.
> Jeff Golin

I've longed for simple pyrex "boots" and "shortstops" for along time.
Put on with a dab of silicon these win against rubber in every way.


Are you sure of this? If Masters & Electrobits are approved for outdoor,
exposed use... I certainly stand corrected!  I had no idea.  (I also
didn't know their GTO sleeving was okay for outdoor/exposed).  I called
Electrobits today and they couldn't give me an answer on this.  Said
someone will get back to me.  I'll let you all know what they say.

