
Re: "Crackle Neon"

On 26 Oct 1995, Chris Biebel wrote:

>   Mighty quiet around here, too quiet... <G>
>   Well, we were just asked how much we charge for "Crackle" neon (where you
> put pieces of glass inside to make the arc flicker back and forth). We've done
> it a couple of times before.
>    I have a few questions for the experts out there.
>    Does anyone have much experience in "crackle" neon?  Does anyone know a way
> to guarantee a good "crackle"? (We had some problems getting a consistant
> crackle before.) How much more do you charge for crackle glass (since you need
> to put the glass inside)?
>     We're kind of hoping we DON'T get the job because of the problems involved
> with getting a good crackle and the extra time involved in making it, but I
> figured we could always use some information on the subject even if we don't
> get the job.
>    Thanks in advance.
>   E-mail from: Chris Biebel, 26-Oct-1995
Chris,  I have heard that good crackle tubes are make from PYREX.  Also I 
the fellow that makes them on a regular basis, bakes them under vacuum in 
a kiln for several hours.  This is his way of bombarding them.  I had a 
sample of one here a few months ago and it really was neat.  The effect 
is better if you mount them vertically do to the heat rising.  
A friend and I also tried to make one using 18mm lead glass and I found 
out VERY quickly that you can't bombard the thing because the arc cracks 
the glass.  Does any of this ring true?  I hope this helps and I also 
would be interested in what others have to say about this.
Howie Cohen
Utica, NY
