
Re: ref: the physics of a neo...

On Wed, 1 May 1996 Bubblyhome@aol.com wrote:

> As I understand the NEC, Voltages above 600 are illegal for residences.

That actual problem is the code reads no transformer shall have a open 
circuit voltage exceeding 1000 volts.

> all neon cove lighting and beer signs in residences cannot be legally
> permitted. 

Beer signs may get by since they are cord connected devices and not 
permanently installed.  Class 2 (low voltage DC) devices also 
get by.

 I use this code to avoid dealing with people who want to buy a
> neon sign for their home since they expect it to cost them $100 or less and I
> don't have time to explain the facts of life to them.  Unfortunately, when
> somebody has a legitimate application for interior neon art for their
> residence, I still cannot legally install ift.  Does anybody have a solution?
Yes you can apply for a varience.  Most Inspectors do not understand neon 
or how it operates.  Show them a solid state transformer with groud fault 
prtection, short circuit protection, thermal cut-off, etc....  You may 
make an important new friend!.
