
Re: Glassbower's glasses info

>I got a pair of AUR 92 glass prescription specs from them several months
>ago and they are KILLER!  I use them 100 percent of the time the torches
>are on.  They have a kind of bluish-purple tinge that seems to really aid
>in reading the fires.  Unfortunately, the frames I got with them have a
>high "dork factor."

        I just got a pair of these, but with a new carbon fiber frame
that has a lot lower dork factor... 8^)=   The carbon fiber frame doesn't
meet ANSI safty standards as the thicker plastic frames do , but they're
a *lot* lighter.  I ordered them from Wale Apparatus, part number 11-1140,
$145.00 plus shipping.

| My aunt said spaceship guard was a good career         | Al Hooton          |
| for a young Vogon -- you know, the uniform, the        |                    |
| low-slung stun ray holster, the mindless tedium...     | al@teleport.com    |
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