
Re: NEON- Tube Benders Association

>I've been interested in the discussion of a trade association
>(should be international) for neon fabricators, so if ideas are
>welcome, let's get down to the details. I'll add my two cents in
>the form of a check-list of things we need to do as well as
>suggestions for further discussion:
>**Form a committee to incorporate a not-for-profit corporation to
>limit the liability of members and officers.

>*Checklist: Articles of Incorporation, State to Incorporate in,
>Registered agent, Federal EI number, Federal non-profit forms
>501C, State & local business licenses. 
>*(I can incorporate us in Florida for about $400 plus $67 per
>year thereafter - so there won't be an annual fee for the
>registered agent.)
>**Get a liability insurance policy to cover officers and members.

>**Form a membership committee to solicit new "charter" members to
>obtain operating funds.

there is also plenty of oranazations that provide suport as long as it is
non profit....
Do this may be a posibility

>*Checklist: Magazine ads, Membership cards/certificates, Member
>Roster, contact those not on the list.

This sounds good! How about also a list of tubenders in general to cross
reference with those on the list- has something like thhis ever been done?
Perhaps even the clasifieds in the back of S.O.T. could help add to thid list.

>**Hire a part time (for now) administrator.
>*General qualifications: knowledge of neon industry and technical
>standards that affect industry, general technical and business
>**Establish a business office for administrator.
>*Checklist: Office supplies & equipment, Bank account.
>**Write-up a mission statement (charter) for the organization.
>**Write-up by-laws.

How would we go about doing this? Haveing a constitutional tubenders
convention? Perhaps
someone could outline the common goals, then we could derive the by-laws
from that there after, but It would be nice to also see That there is the
posibility of changeing them.

>**Form a newsletter/publication committee.
>**Form technical committee for liaison with standards writing
>organizations, UL, etc.

I like this one, and on the same note, i think there should be a commite to
work as an advocate for neon in political issues, such as sign codes,
electrical ect.

>**Form an education and training committee.

This is also an idea that I like a lot. By being able to educate people as
well as organize them the association will be a lot stronger.
>We should have 3 member classifications: Individual member,
>Company member, and student member. Individuals and companies
>would be listed as neon fabricators or suppliers to the neon
>industry. At no time should the number of suppliers exceed the
>number of fabricators on any committee including the officers.
>Dues for individual members would be $60/yr, $250 for companies
>and $20 for students

Where did you come up with these numbers? Are they just an estimate to as
how much income the association would need, or are they compriable to
another association?

>Should be paid a reasonable professional salary and reasonable
>office and travel expenses. Would oversee the day to day
>operation including the office and staff and literature. Would
>oversee committee activities at the direction of the officers.
>Would hold election of officers, arrange for booths at trade
>shows, etc. Could be part time to start. Would also be registered
>agent for the corporation.
>Would be volunteers and not compensated  - elected annually by the
>Would be volunteers.
>- - - - - - - - - - - 
>BUDGET (startup)
>A bare bones budget to start up would require at least $30,000
>the first year. This would include about $20 K for the part time
>administrator (assume about 2 days per week to start) with the rest for
>office, insurance, legal and travel.
>- - - - - - - - - - -
>Can we get 400 to 500 individual members at $60 each plus about
>20 corporate members (about $30,000 total income)?
>Can we get about 30 unpaid volunteers for officers and

I think so.

>Can we double the membership next year (to about $60,000

>How about calling it "International Association of Neon

IAN ( Ian F ) ????

