
Re: NEON- Re: ...tube life...

TGWARTMAN@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 96-09-26 19:48:31 EDT, you write:
> << Question: Recently I had an assumption of mine shattered, regarding tube
>  life: I can't remember where or how I learned it, but I've always believed
>  large-diameter tubes will last longer than small-diameter ones, other things
>  being roughly equal. I think I was told this at neon school (surprise
>  surprise, if it's false), but according to Dirk it's not true. Has anyone
>  else held / does anyone else hold this belief? Where did it originate?  >>
> Hey Ted, I don't know where it originated but I've always held that
> assumption too.
> My untrained mind thinks this way; smaller diameter tubes generally run
> hotter due to less surface area for heat dispertion. this much I know from
> experience, 

Dear Tom W,
We don't have that pfeneomenom overhere in Europe as we always (okay not
neonshop or installer) is installing the corresponding secundary current
relation to the tube diameter. Can you tell me why a 30 mA transformer
be installed to 15 mm tubing as well to 8 mm tubing?
Don't give me the "we always do it answer" or think about the way
choose different copperpipe diameters for different criteria.

Bset from dirk a. boonstra
