
Re: NEON- Re: ...tube life...

On 09/30/96 14:29:32 you wrote:
>Dear Tom W,
>We don't have that pfeneomenom overhere in Europe as we always (okay not
>every neonshop or installer) is installing the corresponding secundary current
>in relation to the tube diameter. Can you tell me why a 30 mA transformer can
>be installed to 15 mm tubing as well to 8 mm tubing?
>Don't give me the "we always do it answer" or think about the way
>plumbers choose different copperpipe diameters for different criteria.
>Bset from dirk a. boonstra
I have asked that question many times to supliers in the area. It is just easier for them to keep an inventory of 
one type of the many transformers. Unlike your shop Dirk many supliers don't specialize in 'only neon'.  However, 
one supplier has told me that if I could promise the purchase of "x" amount of transformers per year he would 
stock them for me. I would like to see a change in the common WF or window frame styles to be stocked in 
20ma instead of 30ma. I DO think tube life, not neccessarily an increase, would be affected. I think there are 
more reasons not to load a 8 thru 10mm tube on 30ma than there are reasons to load it on 20ma.
