
Re: Ovens.

        Hi, All:

At 08:03 PM 3/26/1996 -0500, EclectiKat@aol.com wrote:
>All you do is heat the glass just up to the point where the orange
>sodium flame just starts to come up, and go over it until the vacuum drops
>again, while induction heating the electrodes. You continuously pump on the
>tube, so you get out more of the impurities, and you can monitor the progress
>of the bombarding process by watching your vacuum gauge go up initially, then
>down to base pressure again as the outgass products get depleted.

        How do you make sure the underside of the unit is heated, Jeff?
Is the unit supported on a rack of glass tubes (as in traditional
bombarding), high enough that you can get the torch underneath?  Or
is this not an issue because the glass transmits the heat well enough
by itself?

        Another question: I don't understand when you heat your
electrodes via the induction heater... before, during, or after
the time you're heating the glass with your bushy torch?

At 03:38 PM 3/27/1996 EST, tmjdorr wrote:
>Jeff - any particular reason you use a 'hydrogen' torch, as opposed to natural
        I was wondering about this too.

At 12:01 AM 3/29/1996 -0500, Neonmc@aol.com wrote:
>Try to think (plan) how you are going to be able to get to
>each electrode to heat it with your inductive heater  (how about access
>pannels?) (remeber how much it hurts to stick your hand inside an oven).

        Why not process the electrode(s) with the inductive heater
before heating up the tube?  It seems to me things are a lot easier to
handle at this point, and then you don't need to stick anybodys hands
in a hot oven.  If the tube is being pumped down at this point, won't
most of the impurites being released from the electrode shell be pulled
out anyway, and those that condense on the side of the tube be
released during heating of the glass?  Am I missing something?

At 07:38 PM 3/29/1996 -0600, Jacob Fishman wrote:
>The drawings I have are manufacture specs for oven construction.  I will 
>scan them and post them later next week along with some photos.

        Jacob, thanks for doing this -- it's a bunch of work for you,
but I'm sure a number of us will really appreciate it!

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