
All subscribers, please read.

Neon List Subscribers

Please copy the following information for future use.  They are answers to
commonly asked questions (an FAQ of sorts) about using the mailing list

1.  If you change email addresses, PLEASE unsubscribe your old email 
address.  If you don't, I get all your messages bounced back to my 
mailbox as undeliverable.  I have to track down whats's going on, and 
manually unsubscribe the address after I find that you have resubscribed 
under a different one.  I will be very happy if you remember this.

2.  You may subscribe or unsubscribe to the list from ANY account.  To 
do this, just add the address you want added/deleted to the end of the 
subscribe (unsubscribe) command.  For example, if I wanted to subscribe 
to the list from another machine, I would send a message to 
listserv@netcom.com, and in the body of the message say:

  subscribe neon-l@netcom.com dead@netcom.com

Dead@netcom.com is my address, and you would of course use YOUR address in
this field.  If you don't put an address after the "neon-l@netcom.com",
the listserver assumes you want to subscribe from the address you're
posting from.  Confused yet? 

3.  The mailing list server looks in the "from " part of the message
header to see who the poster is (sounds logical, right?) Unfortunately,
some mailers use a slightly different address in this field than your
regular address.  Even worse, some alternate between several addresses.
All of these may be routed to you when someone sends you mail, but the
listserver only knows you by what's in the "from: " header.  If it's not
an address that is subscribed to the list, it will bounce back to me.  If
you have any doubts, send a message to yourself, and see who it is "from." 

4.  You can find out who ALL the subscribers are by sending a message as
before to listserv@netcom.com, and placing the phrase in the message body: 

   who neon-l@netcom.com

You'll be mailed a list of all subscribers.  If you are receiving posts,
but not seeing any of your own you should look at this list and make sure
your account's  "from" address is subscribed.  Again, please unsubscribe any
addresses you don't use (or I curse you with eternal mercury stains! <g>)

Most of this stuff is relevant only if you have changed email addresses.
If you are receiving posts, and you see your own posts then you are okay. 
But keep this info handy in case you change addresses.  At the present, I
send a message to each person and rectify the problem via email.  As the
list grows bigger, this is becomming more difficult and I am trying to
avoid just unsubscribing all problem addresses. 

      -John Anderson