
Re: inductive heaters

At 07:22 PM 4/12/1996 -0400, Neonmc@aol.com wrote:
>Although I can't say that I am entirely happy with my Scientific Systems
>inductive heater, (13mm is the largewst electrode you can use, and it is a
>bit slower than others I've used -about 40 sec's to heat to cherry, vs. 4
>sec's with one Jake had)  but even when ordered with an extra coil (since
>they are solid rings one goes on before the tubulation is connected) it was
>only 200 (or 250).  And although I may not be perfectly happy with the unit,
>I was very happy about not paying 3000.

        Morgon, how do the coils hold up to being in the oven with the
units?  I'm assuming that they are in the oven, I s'pose... If I'm
wrong, please explain the process you use when combining an induction
heater with oven pumping.  My concern is that the coils may not be
made to withstand repeated heatings up to annealing temp and back down
before (or after) having been used to heat the electrode(s).


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