
Re: Enaba transformers/ keep good records

The perception here is Enaba is trying to sweep something under the rug.
I suggest keeping very accurate records of all telephone conversations:
1. ask for the full name (first and last, with accurate spelling) and the
title of the person you are talking to before raising the issue you need help
2. jot down the exact time you are having the conversation
3. jot down the exact wording of how the person you are speaking with intends
to solve the problem
4. agree on and jot down the time and the exact deliverables (i.e. the
actions and/or items promised by the vendor)

>From my experience, above board organizations do not have any problem
supplying this information. On the other hand, if you keep encountering smoke
screens... no smoke without fire.

If you are not getting satisfaction, take the step of asking to talk to the
person's supervisor or manager. Remember to ask for company policy on this
matter. Also ask for written materials explicitly  stating the policy. If the
policy does not make sense, then ask to talk to the person who set the policy
(or who has authority to change the policy) for understanding the reason of
the policy.

Just as Kenny is doing (I think he was the one reporting the information),
keep going until you reach the President and the Board of Directors.

Such information is invaluable when making a decision about where to buy

I am not a lawyer, however, it is clear that reporting the facts as logged
(note the importance of keeping good notes) to the list does not infringe on
anybody's rights. I also have seen much correspondance beginning with the
statement "Without Prejudice" frequently used to avoid litigation. Maybe
there is a lawyer on the list who could comment.

Keep up the good work of reporting these unpleasant events. Freely
distributed information levels the playing field for all.