
Re: Re; diffusion pumps

>Could you explain the pros and cons of glass diffussion pumps vs. metal
>diffussion pumps? That too may be in the tip file.

I'll take a shot at this one...

Metal pumps are manufactured to close tolerances, and have internal
temperture regulators.  They are easier to just plug-in and play.  They
usually require less fluid than their glass counterparts (often needing
only 25ml or so).  They are available used, and less breakable.  Service
parts are readily available (replacement heating elements, etc.).

Glass pumps allow you to see inside.  You can tell if the pump is operating
properly, and if it needs cleaning.  It's a bit easier to attach to a glass
vacuum system... (at least I used to say that).   You can use powerful
cleaning agents (like caustic alcohol) to quickly strip out all the old
silicone fluid.  In this sense they may be easier to clean than metal
units.  Glass pumps will usually require the services of a scientific
glassblower for repair - but breakage will often "total" the unit.

To answer your other question about the archives.  I don't know how America
Online works for accessing FTP sites, but I know you can.

You need to FTP to:   ftp.netcom.com

and look in the directory:  ~ftp/pub/de/dead

Anyone using AOL know the proceedure?



John Anderson
Mega Volt Neon  - Austin, TX
Host:  Internet Neon Mailing List