
Re: Re: Crackle tubes

The crackle tubes are oven pumped.  It is also VERY important that the stuff
that you put inside of the tubes is very clean.  There are some clear
scientific beads that work very well. Different sizes different looks. 
Larger- fewer paths and larger arcs.  You can also use glass beads.  I have
seen a beautiful black bead tube filled with argon.  Stunning. In fact I
think that that might have been in an old issue of ST.  

You can also use cracked glass, but again the larger sizes allow the path of
the electron flow to be limited to one or two directions....and sometimes
settle into one path......as any good river will do.

When you try this stuff out make sure you use the ceramic capped electrodes
and that you make a few deep "dimples" so there is a bit of room between the
electrode and the mass of glass  or whatever use end up using.

good luck!
