
Re: Crackle tubes

At 09:21 AM 2/25/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi all .....I was up in Hollywood on Saturday. There is a shop on
>-trendy- Melrose that does neon. They had made an interesting tube.
>It was a 3 inch diameter tube , capped at the ends by clear tube.
>the 3 inch tube was filled with glass pellets.
>It was great because the spark had millions of paths from end to end.
>The shop owner said that he had seen them built in 5-6 inch tubes.
>Dont know how they bomb it !
I suspect (after reading every Neon News back issue cover to cover) that
these were "oven pumped" in a kiln....any opinions..?

Just a quick .02...../\/\ike Roesch