
Re: Caught in A Vacuum; patterns;

Welch 1402: seconded!

Duniway: 800-446-8811

When new mine pulled 2 microns in three minutes; five years later it's
probably in the 10 micron range -- but, backing a diffusion pump as John
notes, it doesn't matter, it's all good enough.

As for patterns -- I'm still in the "projector" phase of it. Patternmaking
I've always found to be pretty tedious, especially since we're cramped for
space and the occasional big job has me clearing the kids dogs and furniture
out of the living room and me getting grouchy until it's done...Only
recently got Corel 4.0; still haven't used it enough to know how to do what
I want to do...also just got a flatbed scanner-- VAST improvement over a
hand-held one. I guess that theoretically I knew tiling was possible, just
never bothered to learn the mechanics of my setup for it (using an HP
Deskjet 500)...I'm filing John's notes for that "someday when I have time"

-Ted Pirsig