
Re: NEON- Neon in Portugal

> I did get in touch with the people at Bertonee and discussed all
> possibilities with them. Resetting is definately very likely, unfortunately
> this installation is on a huge globe of the earth that hangs inside a new
> theater there.  The transformers are inside so not easy to get to. Beleive
> me , I'm not the designer behind this project.  I'm concerned that they
> could possibly be overheating and shutting down? They are within a 3'
> diameter plastic sphere. There are three total transformers.  No real
> ventilation except the holes where the gto hooks to the units.
> Also, I think if there is any voltage irregularity that this could shut
> them down. I gave instructions to put them on converters for their 220. I'm
> sure they did this but just wonder if it can fluctuate any?  Ever had this
> happen?  
Hey, what about Holland?
I'm fearing a trip to Portugal may be in my future.

Dear Stephanie,
I want to make some things clear for you. First: 110 volts in Europe is
not the same as your 110 volts overthere. The difference in frequency is
killing you. Your 110 volt at 60 Hz can be compared by 88 volt in our
European (50 Hz) system., So telling clients that they should us an
transformer translating 220 V into 110 volt is a big mistake, as the
Xformer will be burn out while you watch it.
For the rest of this list your 110 volts can never be compared to
European 110 volt because of the difference in frequency. Installing a
USA unit to a main supply of 88 volt the output will probably to low for
igniting the neon so when you have to do export oversize the Xformer, or
tell your client to install a European Xformer. The last option probably
will be the best as I never noticed in my life (and that's a lot of
years) that USA stuff was produced more properly compared with the
neonstuff we can buy here in the Old World.
Your equipment installed in the Old World is thinking that there is an
enormous DC component in the main supply and therefore you Xformer will
die sooner or later but unfortunately for you most of the time sooner.
Best from dirk who is consuming the 20% difference in power now.
