
Re: NEON- Patented Processing System

I agree with John's sentiments. I'd add what I assume you know, 
that the statistical model or model(s) you choose are extremely 
important.  It looks like you have an interesting procedure.  The 
trick is to make sure that the data you see is really telling you 
what you think it is saying.  

Are you working with a model at this point that tests statistical 
significance?  In crude terms, this filters out the level at which a 
portion of the results you see may be the by-product of chance.

Anyway, I'm very impressed. Good luck.


> the potential for ground-breaking research.  I only hope the
> scientific method is adhered to.
>     -John  
Kenny Greenberg --  Neon - Scenic and Environmental Art  
                    Internet Site Consultant and Author   
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         Phone: 718-728-4450  Fax: 718-728-7206  
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