
Re: NEON- Tube benders Assoc.

Jeff writes

this is considered "non-competitive" in our labor
market. The owners are always trying to cut costs and labor is always the
first place they look.

My dad has seen 50+ years of sign business from small shop to large quantity 
producer - and a lot in between.  He says the best years were when he and one 
other shop were in town.  Although they never discussed it, they absolutely 
refused to bid the other's design.  When a customer walked in showing a Post 
design, Dad would highlight the skills of his designer(s) and tell the customer 
that Cummings could do a much better design.  As I understand it, Bill Hinton 
would pitch the same line.  The result is that the customer was left choosing 
between an "apple" and an "orange", not price shopping the apple.  Price became 
less of any issue because the customer was left deciding whether he liked apples 
or oranges better - price became secondary.  Seems like a better approach than 
"fixing" prices.
