
Re: NEON- Re: Tube benders Assoc.

>> What about  the tube benders who do not have acess to an on-line program
>> such as the el?
>> Matt
>Dear Matt,
>Reading this list frequently I must say that I think that this list is a
>very progressive list, and we must keep it that way. If someone don't
>have access to an on-line program, what about bying one?
>Best regards from dirk a. boonstra.

I am not sure what you mean by this. I know quite a few tubebenders who
don't have acess to computer online systems. Neon is not exctly an avante
garde field of electronics, (or it is not for the majority of tubebenders. I
would say otherwise about many on this list, who still do neon as a science,
not just as an investment) And many tubenders are without acess to a list
like this. There is also the problem of apathy. I am sure there is a large
group of people who just don't care about a neon asocc. (this is not meant
to be critical, but realistic) This has been pointed out by I belive Jeff
earlier, when he said a Few people will be active, and the rest of an assoc.
ususally just pay dues, ect. We could rule out these apathetic people, but
"a neon assoc. devided against itself won't last" (abe lincon) We need
perhaps some way to give acess to people outside of an online network to
truly have an assoc. Other wise ot would be the ASSOC. OF ONLINE
TUBEBENDERS, and would therby have a harder time lobbying for what has been
describe as a goal of an association. 
                I think by keeping the computer as a tool in oranizing , and
not the core of a group, you inable the gorup to be stronger and more
diverse. I am not puttting down the fact that the computer would help
greatly for comunication, but I think that it should not be a prerequisite
to joining an association for anything other than Computer related topics.

