
Re: NEON- Neon Coils

Jacob wrote:
Here's another way.  I have made mandrels from hollow brass stock.  I 
preheat the brass and feed the glas accross the ribbon and onto the 
Reply from dirk:
Exactly the same way the Dutchies are doing it!

You can mark the brass with chalk.>>
No, install the mandrel into an angle with the horizon and then you have
your thread when you tubing is vertical. If the temperature of the mandrel
is correct together with the tubing, it needs some practice, then one can
produce a perfect spiral.

Best regards from dirk a. boonstra

PS: I have a complete set of drawings with all the details) to make a 
homebrewed machine like  this from the University of Delft. 
If anyone is interested I will send them but: THE DRAWINGS MUST COME BACK.