
Re: Merc. Repair Issue

>you will be continuously be breathing the stuff. I think we should take a
>of how many people on this list do merc. repairs either on a regular basis or a
>once in a while exception.

Quite guilty in my early days - had to try to make a living.

Have to admit that I'm forced to on occassion in-shop on my own work -
usually the merc is "fresh" which I suppose makes a little difference.

I absolutely stopped making merc repairs to the public over 5 years ago and
it is a liberating experience.  You simply say "no." (Nancy Reagan was right!).

I can certainly sympathize with those who work for cheapo a-holes.
Eventually you will be elsewhere.  But the issue should be brought up - both
from a health point of view and from an equipment and therefore product
quality point of view if not from the eventuality of it being a legal
environmental issue. (It's just a matter of time folks.)  And the issue
should just keep getting brought up until the boss  eventually sees he can
now tell his client that a repair is going to be more expensive. (Like, duh,
I can make more money).  

It's rough if you can't afford to start your own business - but who knows,
there may be another sign shop somewhere that has an intelligent and
reasonable owner eager to be in the neon market and who wouldn't mind
capitalizing a neon shop up on premises.

Anyway my 2cts on Hg.  I'm waiting for either a chemical equivalent or some
way to selectively stimulate and amplify the UV that argon already produces


>  E-mail from: Tom Biebel, 18-Feb-1996
>               - Neoman
>               - Plasma Graphics Neon
Kenny Greenberg   Neon Artist, Scenic Specialist, Columnist - Internet World
c/o KRYPTON NEON 34-43 Vernon Blvd Long Island City, NY 11106
      Ph: 718-728-4450   Fx: 718-728-7206  Email: kenny@neonshop.com
      http://www.neonshop.com  -  The Internet's Neon Shop
      http://www.licweb.com  - The Long Island City Web