
Merc. Repair Issue

I got one thing to say about your merc. repair issue. DON'T DO IT!!! As to how
to handle your boss, do what I do with the cheapo sign guys. I have a little
glass pipe and I put a drop of mercury in it. I tell them that if they will
smoke that drop (and not like Clinton does) then you will do merc. repairs for
them. I only had one guy that said he would do it (he never did). But I think he
would smoke anything anyway. The point is that this is what they are asking you
to do. Most get the point. I don't know which state you are in but as far as I
know you can't be fired for doing things that you consider too dangerous to do.
In the theater we rely on this because a lot of producers want you to do some
absolutely unsafe things simply to get their show up on time. You have to draw
the line somewhere. Besides the problems with merc. in the pumps it also goes
into the air and settles out on ever surface in the place. This will outgas and
you will be continuously be breathing the stuff. I think we should take a survey
of how many people on this list do merc. repairs either on a regular basis or a
once in a while exception.

  E-mail from: Tom Biebel, 18-Feb-1996

               - Neoman

               - Plasma Graphics Neon
