
Re: Glass benders needed!

Sorry to take so long in responding...busy as can be.
We take a direct in-the-fire approach to training glass benders in that we
give them work as quickly as possible to see how they bear up.  The
traditional approach to apprentice systems does not seem compatible in
today's marketplace.  
Most beginners need that satisfaction of creating something immediately (our
culture is very result oriented), and most beginners don't see the value in
developing skills through massive repitition without some visual rewards,
i.e. pumped units.
Our shop has not experienced the turnover of many of the shops in our region.
 I think that has alot to do with our benefits and the learning atmosphere we
have tried to cultivate.
I get the impression that most of the people on this list are one or two
person shops that are highly skilled, somewhat self-taught glass benders.(?)
 The skills one learns as a small business owner (or one teaches oneself) are
skills and work ethics that can't be trained into apprentices.  
By the way....we are still in need of more glass blowers....If you know
anyone out there looking to start out that would like to live in a pretty
decent climate and in an appreciative, open atmosphere.... send them our

More on our apprentice training when I find time...
