
RE: NEON- Neon and radio interference

>>For cold cathode I prefer, and therefore use, the strayfield transformer
>>always. No exeption. By 100 mA I use 6 kV as a maximum with 21 mm
>>tubing. By 150 mA I use 5 kV as a maximum with 23 mm tubing. By 200 mA I
>>use 4200 volt as a maximum with 25 mm tubing.
>>Best from dirk.
>Does it mean that use of electronic converters is limited just to small
window signs?
>Again, for what reasons?

even in window signs, only use electronic transfromers when it is not
posiblie to use core and coil, or if it is a bad idea.  reasons are...
Core and coil fails far less than electronic. IF you think about it, the
only real good benififit of electronic transformers is that they are small,
and light. But if you are instaling a sign permenantly, why go with a
lighter transformer? Once it is installed, weight is not a problem.

also, core and coil will run longer and brighter than electronic
transformers. especialy when the sign will be on 24-7. 

also, there is a chace that mercury migration might occur when useing
electronic transformers. 
never a problem with core and coil.  

the only reason I would sugest useing an eletronic transfomer is for a
situation in which it would not be posible to have a core and coil, or a
situation where the customer spacificaly wants to go with an electronic
transfromer. ELectronic tranformers are great for neon art, and other
situations where space is non exisitant, but in industrial aplications, I
would stay away from electronic tranformers when posible. 

Also if Eric is reading,  at the Allanson booth in Atlanitic City, I saw an
electronic transformer with the pk houseing built into it. (type for channel
letters that are covered up) 
My question is, what is the advantage to a core in coil in this situation?
the instalation of one of theese PK houseing transformers requres  that if
it needs replace, the tubeing must be removed, and then the new transformer
placed back exactly the same place. If the transformer is to be hidden in a
channel letter and covered over with plastic, why go with a more expensive
and less unsightly transformer? Perhaps some one can clairify this for me.
