
NEON- Oven

        For those keeping score at home: I promised some pictures and
a progress report on the oven I'm building.  Well, I'm far into the
project and have a few pictures of the progress, but the update will
have to wait.  We're buying a different house, moving, renting the
current house, etc., etc., etc.  I'm going to start tearing down
the garage shop tomorrow, and the oven project will be put on hold
for a couple months.  8^(=   Major bummer, but there's no other

        I'll let y'all know when it's back on track (I'll probably
get in trouble because the shop is the *first* thing I want to set
up after we move!).
|...most of the success enjoyed by Microsoft and other  | Al Hooton        |
| FutureBusinesses has [only] come from surviving the   | al@teleport.com  |
| dog eat cyberdog jungle...This may be obvious to the  | 503.591.7324 vox |
| stock market investor, but us geeks tend to think the | 503.591.7955 fax |
| computer industry is going somewhere in particular.   |                  |
|                     - Ted Lewis                       |                  |