
NEON- Re: Tube benders Assoc.

> I think the question is not who is against the idea, rather the question is
> who is ready to send in money to join an organization that has yet to define
> its mission in communicable and measurable terms. So I personally think it is
> premature yet to launch an organization without first defining its mission.

I agree JP.  And I don't think money's really an issue here.  What
several (me included) have suggested is to indeed explore a mission.
This "mission" simply the execution, as a group, of some goals we share.
Looking at the past year and a half, there's a lot of common ground

If a group at one point decided one of these goals requires financial
assistance, then they decide themselves for what and how much, etc.
That's not even on the horizon at this point.  Like Ed said - dues in
the form of effort.

I think a lot can be accomplished without spending any money.  A large
cost in any such organization is distributing information to the
members.  That's not a big problem with anyone here, since electronic
means (like neon-l, Kenny's site, etc.) are relatively cheap.

We're already a group of people interested in neon.  The question here
is do you see any benefits from a more formal, larger, and organized
structure.  Edward & I have been talking about the orginal questionare
that Pat Meyer started several years ago.  I think soon we'll have a
similar one to share here on the list - and we can all see if common
goals present themselves.  

BTW: we're not trying to appear self-appointed - and help/direction from
anyone would be welcome.  If you have specific questions you think would
be good on such a questionaire, please email them to me or Ed.

