
Reply to: Re: NEON- Re: Legal "silicone-rubber" boots

Dirk and John - I'm going to have to contact Herb again.  He might be very
interested in the UL followup thing about his boots not being legal outside for
borders, etc.  Being a betting man, and knowing Herb, they are wrong.  In all
the years I've known the old man, he doesn't tell stories.  I'll get hold of Herb
and have him get a definitive answer.  Thanks John.

Dirk - check your supply houses and see if they have the Masters Technology
boots so you can compare them with your "silicone" ones.  The MT boots
have a proprietary blend, in cahoots with dupont, co.  As for holding up in the weather -they hold up real well.  If anyones interested they pass UL746C for UV,
 UL147.17 for ozone, UL746C for Humidity, UL746C for mold stress, UL94 for
flamability, CSAl for cold bend (passes -1 degree C for 4 hours, UL746C for CTI,
UL814 for gto rating, 3lb pull on assembly, UL1814 for temp at 105 degrees,
and dielectric withstand of 17000KV.   Now does that tell anyone anything??

Gary Nutting
Neon Products of Phoenix