
Re: NEON- Building a loading meter

Steve wrote:
>Building a home-brew meter though economically practical, is not really
>practical from the stand point of just how important this tool is. As boon.
>stated 80 - 90 % of all transformer failures are caused by improper loading.
>Though we transformer manufactures keep on replacing these units there is
>definately a large cost associated with actually replacing them in the field.

>With the importance of proper loading associated with the ecalating costs of
>labor doesn't it make sense that we purchase equipment with some relative
>value. The meter I use in the feild is far from the best equipment for the
>job, but from a trully practical standpoint I think it is suitable and well
>within the average signguys/gals budget.

Not to get into defending "homebrew," but I sometimes sense an
anti-homebrew trend here.  All parts I'm using to assemble my loading meter
were acquired from someone who builds them for sale to the trade.

Your points about adding a KV meter sound valid, maybe I should add one to
my "brew."  Thanks for the feedback, Steve.

Tom U.
