
Re: NEON- Building a loading meter

Dirk wrote...

>Dear Steve,

>Manufacturers selling transformers with an output voltage as high as 15 kV to 
>people whose knowledge hardly reatches the level of a garbage collector,
must be 
>procecuted, in my opinion these people must be exterminated as they do a lot 
>of harm to the trade, giving neon a bad name.

Eric getting in two-cents worth again...

If all USA tx mfrs would stop making, 15KV neon units, so would we.
However, so far, the general public seems to love them considering its our
largest-selling model. 

There may be some good news/bad news coming on the horizon though.  From
what we've seen over the last couple of years during our work with fault
protection, it will be more frustrating for people to get 15KV units to
work.  Too much leakage to ground!  Therefore, many will follow
path-of-least-resistance and go to smaller trafos.  It may be our unexpected

