
Re: NEON- Advice needed -- What to do about bad customers?

You might want to add credit management to your normal business routine.
Consider spending $25 to $35 and get a credit check on your $8K + customer.

Don't want to spend the money? Ask the customer to fill out a credit
application for jobs over $$. Pick up the form used by Office Depot....
simple and to the point. Call up the customer's bank and talk to whoever
handles credit checks. Usually they will only tell you whether a check will
pass or not.  Call up the customer's supplier references.... a little legwork
can save you the big $$$.

If the person is such a "x0&5$3#" then he is probably known as a  "x0&5$3#"
and you don't have to worry about what he has to say about you because his
audience has already heard it before about every other business in the area.

Go to yours nearest super bookstore with a business section and check out the
latest crop of books on credit.. and credit management.

As for the buddy that is starting to badmouth you.... Birds of a feather
flock together. You probably don't want to do business with his buddy either.

Want to play with fire! Break the job down into phases and have the customer
pay you at every phase. Late to pay, late to finish the job.

The same rule applies with credit as with computers...... only extend as much
credit as you are willing to lose ...... from the much used save rule with
computers....... how often should you save? it depends on how much work
you're willing to lose...
